Step #1
The first thing you can do is to go online and see what is available. The two websites listed below are all free to join and they can be used to find employers who are hiring in your area. If you have a resume (see step #2), you can submit it and then employers can see it and may contact you. Many employers now find all or most of their new employees online so you need to be actively searching at these three job search sites:
Snagajob – 100% free to sign up and they specialize in part time and hourly jobs. These are often exactly what a 17 year old is looking for.
Monster.com – 100% free to sign up and they have one of the biggest online job databases.
Step #2
At age seventeen, you should start to put together a resume even if you don't have too much job experience. If you have a resume to give prospective employers and submit online to the job sites, you will be a step ahead of many of your peers who are also looking for work. You can put down all the jobs you have had as well as any awards you might have won and any volunteer work you do. Even though you might not have much on your resume, just having one tells an employer that you are thinking towards the future and that is a good thing.
Step #3
If you have friends who have jobs, you should try to find out from them whether they like their jobs and whether there are any job openings. You should get all the information they can give you and perhaps even have them put in a good word for you. Use any friends and contacts you have to the best of your ability to give yourself the best chance of landing a job.
Step #4
Lastly, you should take your job search out on foot and scour your area for openings. You might stop in at all the places you might like to work and inquire about the possibility of getting hired. If you personally go in an introduce yourself, you will have the chance to make a good impression and let someone actually see who you are. If you don't have too high expectations and understand that you will face rejection, you will at least be able to find out first hand what jobs are available and what their requirements are. Managers and employers also like teens who take the initiative to come in and introduce themselves. If you have a resume you should drop it off at this time. You never know, if you make a good impression, when a job opening does come up the employer might just remember you and give you a call.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Will 2010 be any better? One of the bad things is that President Obama is going to raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or more and that is going to hurt you in the job search. Now, $250,000 may seem like a lot to a teenager who doesn't have hardly any money but to a business, that amount is not much.
What it means is that any small business that makes over $250,000 is going to pay more in taxes and they are going to have to compensate by hiring fewer employees. Money doesn't grow on trees and with less money to go around, businesses lay off workers or don't hire new ones.
That greatly hurts your chances of getting a job in 2010 because businesses will not be as likely to hire you. So there is the already bad economy and now higher taxes on top of that means that 2010 might not be any better than 2009.
We need to see good things happen and have people start to spend money with confidence. Right now that is not happening as this Christmas buying season has seen lackluster sales and it seems that people are just not spending like they once did. This hurts all companies and your chance of finding a job.
If you are 17 years old and still looking for a job, all you can do is keep patient and keep trying. Do your best to apply to as many places as possible and always present yourself as best as you can. Give every employer a reason to say "yes" rather than "no". Hopefully by this summer (or sooner) you will have finally landed a job!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Most teens have friends who have jobs and you should use them as a lead. If you do know someone who has an after school job or the type of job you might want, ask them how they got it and if they know of any openings. Sometimes teens who have jobs hear things at work about when their employer might be hiring or they might be able to put in a good word for you. Even if they don't know of any immediate job opportunities, they could give you valuable information of how they got hired. Perhaps they have a strategy that worked for them that you don't know about.
Another job search strategy not to be overlooked is to use your parents to help you get the word out that you need a job. This might be a tough one for a 17 year old because at that age you probably want to distance yourself from your parents as much as possible just because they embarass you. But if you really want to find a job and are serious, you need to consider that they might be able to help you.
Your parents might know someone that could hire you and they also might be able to put in a good word for you with one of their friends. Letting your parents help you find a job might not be what you really want to happen but it might be the difference in whether you go the rest of the year with or without that job.
Monday, December 7, 2009
If you are a 17 year old looking for a job, now is the time you should be out trying to find places that need extra help. If you find a job in retail, they might want to keep you way past Christmas and the new year because they have to handle all the returns. First there is the onrush of shoppers and then there is comes the two or three week period when most people make returns. So, if you get a job now, it might last for a couple months.
If you are a teen looking for jobs for 17 year olds, you can be smart and always think about the different places that might need help based on the season. Right now is the holiday season, which is your best bet for a job, but other times of the year give you other opportunities.
For instance, during the summer you should be looking for jobs in places that have more summer business. Amusement parks, community swimming pools, lawnmowing jobs and others like this are all jobs you can get in the summer but will not find right now in the winter.
During the colder winter months, a whole different group of employers will be possibilities for finding jobs. You might find jobs at ski areas, winter resorts, valet jobs (more people eating out means more cars to be parked), hotel housekeeping jobs (more people traveling for the holidays means more rooms being taken in hotels), and other such jobs that might pick up during the winter. Be creative, brainstorm with your parents, and figure out what types of jobs might be hiring more people during the cold months of winter.
Whatever time of the year or season it is, some employers will be hiring more than others. Older teens can do almost any job so if you can get it, you can do it. Figuring out where to go to find open jobs for 17 year olds is a challenge but if you put your mind to it, you may have a head start on most of your friends who are also looking for work.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It should be easier to find part time jobs than full time jobs and that is good news for teens. Unfortunately, that is about the only good news. Companies that might have a job for 17 year olds are most retail stores, movie theaters, bowling alleys, restaurants, fast food restaurants, golf driving ranges, recreation parks, and coffee shops.
A good rule of thumb is that any place that has customer service jobs will likely be a place that 17 year olds may be able to get hired. Customer service jobs require little training and most older teens can adapt to them quickly. It is a job that will require you to always be courteous, polite, and on your best behavior as you will be dealing with real customers.
Customer service jobs can be found in almost any field that has stores that deal with the general public. If you are looking for hiring jobs for 17 year olds, it is recommended that you look around to get a good feel of all the different types of customer service jobs that might be available. The more job experience you have the better but you may be able to get this type of a job with no experience at all.
Work is scarce right now and finding jobs that are actually hiring may be difficult. Everyone is in the same situation and there are a lot of applicants for each job. It is smart to apply to everything you can and not be picky. If you are too selective in what you apply for, you may end up with no job at all. Right now, you need to take whatever comes along and try to switch to a better job later on when the economy picks back up.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Right now, companies would rather hire workers that they don't have to commit to fully. In other words, a part time helper is easier to let go if things get bad than someone who is salaried or works 40 hours a week. This means you have a better chance of getting hired for a seasonal or part time job than if you were looking for something to make a career out of.
Part time jobs for 17 year olds can be found online at a free website called Snagajob. They specialize in hourly jobs and part time jobs so they are perfect for older teens that are looking for jobs that are hiring. There are many retailers on Snagajob as well as restaurants and other types of businesses that routinely have part time jobs available.
You can start right out and do a free search of your zip code to see where the jobs are in your area. If you only want to work Saturdays or weekends, these are the types of employers that might have work available. Snagajob is FREE to sign up and it is the best place to start your search for those hourly jobs in your area that are hiring.
If you combine your search with online sites such as Snagajob as well as make the rounds on foot, you will have the best chance of getting hired. Right now retailers and restaurants are getting geared up for the Christmas shopping season and many are hiring now or will be shortly.
You should stop in at all the places you would like to work and enquire about jobs. This face to face contact might mean you get lucky and hit it off with a manager or store owner and will increase your chance of finding a job. If you work hard and spend time looking both online and offline for part time jobs for 17 year olds, you should be able to find one before the year is out!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Most seventeen year olds won't have a resume and you probably don't need one to get a job but you might consider getting one anyway.
As you know if you are reading this, jobs for teens are tough to find. Not only are there not too many of them available but the competition for them is greater than it used to be. If you find a job that is open and hiring, you will probably not be the only one that interviews for it. For this reason, you need to try to get some sort of leg up on all your competition.
If you are one of the only 17 year olds with a resume, it will make you stick out and employers will stand a greater chance of remembering you. Yes you are still a kid and you will be competing against other teenager for the jobs you interview for. However, if you can stand out and make a good impression in ways they cannot, you will have a greater chance of being hired.
A resume is often a one page piece of paper that had all your information on it including name, phone number, address, and previous job history along with a brief description of what you did at each job. For teens it can include any awards you have won, groups you belong to, and teams you have been on. The purpose of a resume is so that you have something to give to an employer so that he or she can glance at it later and remember your interview.
Now days many employers want resumes sent to them by email so you might have to have both a paper copy and be ready to send it through the Internet as well. Employers hiring for jobs for 17 year olds and other teens probably won't necessarily expect a resume unless they specifically ask for one. This is because most of you will not have too much of a work history and what you do have will be pretty basic.
When I was seventeen I did get a summer job in a cafeteria and I never had a resume. Things probably haven't changed too much and this is why you might want to take advantage of this opportunity to impress your prospecive employers in a way others may not. Resume's are cheap as you can make one yourself at home and print it out on a good quality paper. You can find how to make a resume online quite easily by doing a quick search or two and it is time you will realize was well spent after you get that job!
Monday, October 19, 2009
If you have been trying to get a job since summer, take advantage of this seasonal opportunity to try to get hired. During the holiday season, many retail outlets will be hiring part time workers to get them through the busy times. The Christmas shopping season is a hectic time for many of these stores and many of them hire temporary help all the way through January till the returns and madness is over.
Retail jobs for 17 year olds are a perfect place to get your foot in the door and get noticed. You must remember that until you get a job, no one will know what a hard worker you are. So by landing a part time Christmas job, you will at least be seen by someone who will have a chance of keeping you on or hiring you at a later date.
Part time jobs are great for 17 year olds because they can still go to school and make some money in their spare time. Many retail outlets have flexible hours so you can go to school and do your normal things while working on the weekends or after school.
The important thing is to not let the holiday season creep up on you. If you want a seasonal job, you need to start looking for possibilities right now! This is the biggest shopping time of the year and the only time that is guaranteed to see some stores hiring instead of laying off. Remember, a temporary job is better than no job and it can always lead to better things!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Retail jobs are good for older teenagers for several reasons but mainly because they can work part time. Stores are typically open from 10:00 AM to maybe 8:00 PM at night and during that time, there is a need for several different shifts. Teens can get a retail job and it works well for both the employer who needs people to fill in different shifts, and the teenager who needs the flexible work schedule.
Retail jobs for 17 year olds can involve many different tasks from working the cash register, stocking shelves, waiting on customers, working in the back room, and even preparing food if it is in a food court restaurant. All of these jobs and tasks require little prior experience so they can be easily learned by anyone.
Shopping malls are one of the best places to look for retail jobs for the obvious reason that there are so many stores grouped in one place. In just one afternoon, you can make the rounds to all the stores you might be interested in working at to see if there are any job openings or any possibilities of getting hired in the future.
During the Christmas season there is a big demand for part time help at many of these stores to help with all the increased business. If you are a teenager looking for a Christmas retail job, right now is the time to start looking and inquiring. Stores usually bring on more part time help starting in late November so you want to get that job lined up now. As you know, job for 17 year olds and all teens are hard to find so you should take advantage of the Christmas season when you know that stores will be hiring.
Once you get hired part time, that is your chance to do a great job and show your manager that you are dependable, reliable, and a hard worker. One thing that is frustrating for someone that is without work is that you don't have a chance to show what a good worker you are. If you take advantage of the Christmas jobs that are hiring, you will then have that chance to show someone how great you are.
Retail jobs have always been a favorite of 17 year olds jobs and that isn't going to change. There are many different kinds of retail stores where you can find work, all it takes is the legwork to seek them out. Good luck!
Step One
You have three options when looking for a job and taking advantage of all three of them is what you should do. First of all, if you have friends who work, find out from them whether they like their jobs and whether there are any job openings. You should get all the information they can give you and perhaps even have them put in a good word for you. Use any friends and contacts you have to the best of your ability to give yourself the best chance of landing a job.
Step Two
Second, you should go around your neighborhood or town and scout out all the jobs you think you might want or places you might like to work. Stop in at all these places, introduce yourself, inquire about the possibility of working there, and find out as much as you can while making contact with these business owners. There will undoubtedly be a lot of rejection at this point but employers like teens who take the initiative to come in and introduce themselves. If you have a resume you should drop it off at this time. You never know, if you make a good impression, when a job opening does come up, the employer might just remember you and give you a call.
Step Three
Your third step should be to go online to give yourself the best chance of getting a job. If you are seventeen, you should develop a resume even if you don’t have much work experience. Include all the jobs you have had as well as awards you have won and any other good things you do. You will need a resume in most cases when looking for a job so you need to start one now. Additionally, you should use the three free websites listed below to expand your job search and make sure you have all your bases covered. Many employers now get all their employees online and so you need to be actively searching at all the free online job sites.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Seventeen year olds in many cases already have some work experience behind them. If you do, it would be wise to start a resume. Your parents can help you put one together and if they can't there is a lot of free information on the Web that you can look at. If you go into an employer with a resume, most likely you will be one step ahead of most of your peers who are also looking for jobs. Other than work experience, list any academic awards you have won or volunteer work you might have participated in to help give the interviewer a better idea of who you are.
Your dress for the interview should depend on the type of job you are seeking. If it involves manual labor or something along those lines, jeans and a nice shirt is probably enough. However, if you are seeking a job at a nice restaurant, in an office, or somewhere where the dress code is a little nicer, you should dress appropriately and wear clothes you might wear to church. You need to dress appropriately for the interview according to the type of place you would be working.
Jobs for 17 year olds can be a variety of things and most employers will probably assume you have had interviews before. Because of this, you should be able to appear less nervous and do a better job than a 16 or 15 year old would. If you have trouble in interview situations, find someone like your parents to practice with before you go in. The questions you might be asked could be a bit more advanced than they would be for someone younger.
You must do your best in all your interviews and try to come off as the person you really are. if you pretend to be someone you aren't, most employers can see that you are doing a bit of acting. Much of getting a job at seventeen involves whether you can present yourself well and look like you are someone to be trusted. Since you probably don't have a whole lot of work experience, an employer is going to have to make a decision based on something and your like ability and how well you come across in the interview will be a major factor.
If you do your best and still don't get the job, remember that the economy is bad right now and there were probably a few others interviewing as well. If you do get rejected, use that as a learning experience and try to make a few changes in the next one. Everyone gets rejected for jobs in their life and you are no different so it isn't something to get too worried about. Eventually you will get that job you want and when you do, you will have a great satisfaction that you were accepted and did a great job in the interview!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Failure Of The Stimulus Bill To Create Jobs For Teens
A Labor Department official stated that they are still working out kinks in the program. However, they feel that even though not all participants got jobs, the program was successful in helping America's youth build valuable professional skills that will help them in the future, as well as help the national economy.
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the people who qualified for this one-time program were between the ages of 14-24 years and from families living at or below the established poverty line. There were some people in this age bracket that also qualified under other income criteria.
This program encouraged states to use federal money to provide summer jobs to the participants. States could also use this money for year-round programs for youth. According to the Associated Press review of government data and individual state reports, almost 25% of the 297,169 youth in this job program worth $1.2 billion did not get jobs. This was because of the many adults who flooded the job market seeking similar low-wage positions at places like hamburger stands and community pools.
On Wednesday, Congressional auditors warned that because of the government's way of measuring the success of this federal program were so haphazard, they "may reveal little about what the program achieved." As a matter of fact, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office, many government officials, government employees, and program participants feel this program was a success.
Laura Chick, the appointed inspector general of California's stimulus funds states said, "There are so many passthroughs before this program actually turns into money that helps the population it's intended to help that it's almost criminal." She goes on to say, "If the local board isn't watching what they're doing, even less money is getting to where it's supposed to go, especially if it is being siphoned off to pay for administrative expenses."
When the summer program ends later this year, states will not have to actually show how many teens were able to get jobs. According to the Department of Labor, the only requirement a state has to meet is showing that graduates of the program are more "workforce ready," which each state arbitrarily measures for itself.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Jobs For 17 Year Olds Can Be Almost Anything
Jobs for 17 year olds have been super difficult to find lately and this summer has been awful for all job seekers. Since you probably don't have much or any work experience, the things you can qualify for are limited and many of those jobs are already taken. Now you are probably already back in school having never gotten a job.
This is a good lesson for you that things are not always easy. No one is guaranteed a job and if you are lucky enough to have one or get one, you should do everything you can to keep it. There is no guarantee that a job will be available for you at any time so you should work hard to get and keep a job.
Seventeen year olds can do almost anything but most jobs will be in retail, restaurants, or some other service industry. If you have a special skill or talent, it is a good idea to try to get a job that will help you develop your skill or interest. Not all jobs are behind a desk pushing a pencil or behind a computer all day. If you want to do something else, try to find out what types of job you might be able to get that will bring you closer to that.
Jobs for 17 year olds can also be anything you want that you can do on your own. It is not essential to be hired by someone if you have something that you can sell yourself. If you are a creative person you can make money by selling your music, art, or whatever talent you have. The computer industry is huge now and kids who have technological skills can even freelance and sell their services online and offline doing things such as helping people design websites.
Whatever you decide to try to do, in this job environment it is going to be difficult to be successful but that means you just have to try harder. This is a time were you are being tested and those who are the most motivated will win out.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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